Hard work pays off

Hannah - student at Shapland Swim Schools Everton ParkHere is a photo of Hannah after her swimming carnival today.  They split them up in their classes into ability levels – she is medium level.  She placed in each race – third in the kick board race (although it was a tie for second J), second in the noodle race and second in the ball race (ball is held like a kick board).  In the second and third races she had so much determination to beat the little boy that had won in the first race, with perfect kicking she very nearly mowed him down and was a whole body length in front of everyone else.

She was so proud of herself and I just wanted to thank Jasmine for her hardwork with Hannah.  I know it hasn’t been easy but the persistence is paying off.

Hannah has Retained Neonatal Reflexes – so coordination is poor and so is the strength in her neck and shoulders – both things required for swimming! But after 12 weeks with a kinesiologist and the understanding from Jasmine each Saturday, and some huge adjustments to diet she is doing really well, both with physical activity as well as academically.  Thank you.

Jeni O.

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